Privacy Policy and Terms of Use


Defenders Gateway strongly believes in protecting the integrity and privacy of personal information gathered from our Defender Members and our Business Supporter Members through all of our communication channels. The protection of your privacy is of great importance to us, we have created this privacy policy to communicate our practices regarding the collection and dissemination of personal information that you provide to us and that can be linked to a specific individual, such as a name, postal address, telephone number(s), email address, or any other information, provided to us by the Military and First Responder’s we serve, our business supporters,   

all organizations, and website visitors (hereinafter “Personal Information”). This policy also applies when you use social media that overlaps Defenders Gateway social media and/or website. Defenders Gateway uses its best efforts to not share information it collects from those persons it provides services to, including information we collect through social media marketing efforts. 

Defenders Gateway Regarding Collection and Use of Personal Information:

Defenders Gateway collects Personal Information supplied to us voluntarily by our Defenders Gateway App users/members (Defenders), Business supporter/members, We may use such voluntarily provided or public information to provide or improve our services on our Defenders Gateway App and our Websites, or to contact you. If you do submit information to us, we will use that information for the purposes for which it was submitted. We may also use your information in other ways, such as to contact you about your Defenders Gateway App, your membership on our network, to notify you of enhancements and upgrades to the Defenders Gateway App, or about specific services and features. If you do not wish us to contact you offline, receive mailings or share our activity information, you may opt out by contacting us at this email and If you have questions about this privacy policy please call us at (888) 983-1633.

Defenders Gateway uses third-party vendors to provide services on our Website, our Defenders Gateway App, and in offline business operations. The information that you submit may be provided to those vendors on a confidential basis so that those vendors can provide services (such as maintaining our database, sending email messages, or such as processing credit card transactions) on our behalf.

Other than as described in this privacy policy, or as may be necessary to protect the rights, property, and safety of our organization or others, or as may be necessary to comply with applicable law, Defenders Gateway will not give, share, or sell the Personal Information you provide online or in any other form of communication. Your personal proof of identity provided at signup and verification to become an App User/Member on Defenders Gateway App is not saved for any other purpose except to identify you to Defenders Gateway at signup. We do not save that personal image of proof of your identity. 

Use of Email Address:

When you sign up on our Defenders Gateway App via Website or App you will be asked to supply your email address. Defenders Gateway does not sell or rent your email address information to any third party. Defenders Gateway does not share your email address. Email addresses gathered from our App Members are only available to employees managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending you emails based on your request for information.